Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Please hang up and try again...
Hey ya'll I got this one off of an email, I thought this one was the best. It's actually pretty cool.
Whose voice is on the "please hang up and try again" phone message?
Chatty Kathy
Dear Chatty Kathy:
Anybody who's ever misdialed a phone number knows exactly whom we're talking about. She's the woman who pleasantly lets us know that our call cannot be completed as dialed. But who the heck is she? After a rather exhaustive hunt, we finally tracked down the woman behind the voice, the late Jane Barbe.
It's estimated that in the 1960s, Jane Barbe's friendly voice was heard by as many as 22 million confused callers a day. Too bad she wasn't paid on a per-call basis, eh? Though most famous for her reminders to "hang up and try again," Ms. Barbe was also a professional singer and lent her voice to many commercial jingles over the years.
As this article from CBS News explains, the drama major and Florida native took her "anonymous fame" in stride, though we imagine it must have been tempting to abuse her vocal powers. After all, who wouldn't like to tell telemarketers to buzz off in her perfectly polite tone? For those longing to listen to the Telephone Lady's melodic announcements, this site offers many of her " greatest hits.
Posted at
4:00 PM |
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Biotech babe 3
I am in biotech again, omg I post more at school than at home now hahaha. anyways, we finally finished the eogs we have like 10 more days of school thank goodness. I am so annoyed that we have to go to lunch with 3rd period again. :P it mite b ok if mrs. h lets us go at 11:35 which is when my panthers peeps go, i haaaate my 3rd pd class it S.U.C.K.S!! gurrr. but anyways. I feel sick still, and my dad and I think I might have lupus which is what he has, and that stinks, becuz now my face is broken out real bad and it feels icky. it stings and itches and all that junk iniside that trunk, but anyways i m gonna go and chat on im or sumin bye!!!!
Posted at 9:24 AM |
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Biotech Babe 2
I am in biotech on the computer again, I'm so glad I'm smart lol, since I finished my proj I just get to play around. i was on IM but I signed off cuz no one was on but i think i will get on again cuz lilz and kat r on so cya lattaaa!
Posted at 10:12 AM |
Sunday, May 21, 2006
No no no no drama
dance was the woooorrrrst dance evverrr!!! my friends were annoying and since it's springtime even though the lights were off it was bright in the gym because of the stoopid sun. gurr. but anyways we only took pix with eire's disposable so I dont know if I will b able to download em sorry but o well. byesa!!
Posted at 8:24 AM |
Friday, May 19, 2006
Biotech babe
Hey ya'll I'm in Biotech and I finished my slideshow yesterday so I'm just havin freeeee time. I'm gonna present soon so i m gonna go! ttyl promise!
can't wait until the dance 2nite! I'm going 2 collyflowers house right after school then to balihai for din din.
ok here I go...
ok that was a beastiest project everrrr if I do say so myself. I was so cool. lol. hehe aren't I modest??? I wish I had a cell with camera so I could take a quick picture. hehe. kat and lil r using kat's fone to take sum hehehe. we aren't aloud to have any type of electronic in school. but anyways, I'm gonna go, I promise to try n get colleen to take sum pix of me in my dress cuz I'm wearing the same one that I wore to lillie's batmitzvah!!! hehe ok cya!
Posted at 7:30 AM |
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Wednesday, counting down...
Hey it's wednesday and we are all counting down until the last day of school! Sheesh I can't wait to get ouuuttt of there!! Eigth grade is gonna be B-E-A-S-T. I can't wait, but summer should be cool too, but I really wish we could go to LA for like 2 weeks at least, because one of my very best friends, who I write to like every year when I'm away there is finally going(to see her brother) and it sux that I can't go, it would have been so cool. But anyways, today was fun, hanging out with my new friends, hehe, I'm hoping they'll replace the old ones, jk. Then I think, I'm supposed to be going to Bali hai and then to my friend's house b4 the dance on friday. *cry *cry it's the last dance of the year and it's only 3 hours!! We all should throw end of the year parties!!!!!! gurr! But we'll just have to savor it. But anyways, I will cyaaas later then!!!!
O ya, and I'm posting a Quote o the day, stuff I said a lot today, or I thought was just cool...
Today's quote I used numerous times, cuz Davis was purposely not talking to me cuz I didn't give him a piece o cookie monday or tuesday, he's done a good job of keeping it up! hehe.... "HIII DAVIS!!!"
Posted at 5:25 PM |
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Champions on Ice
Friday we went to see "Champions on Ice" Cuz mom got free tickets with backstage passes! and it was so cool! The show was great, but when we went back stage we got our ($15 dollar!! plus the free ones we got) programs signed by all of the people except for this one chick who passed us. It was so cool. O and also, kristi yamaguchi was sitting RIGHT in fron of me, (we were so close to the ice) she had her daughters with her and they were soooo cute! I got her auto graph too. Here's the pix we took, we also got one with Sasha Cohen but dad didn't press the button on the camera all the way down. >;(
(captions are left to right)

A.Ben Agosto B.Evan Lysacek
A. Me n mom with Oleksiy Polishchuk B.Evgeni Plushenko
A.Johnny Weir B. Marina Anissina

A.OMG me and mom with Michelle Kwan B. Dan Hollander and Irina Grigorian
Posted at 12:56 PM |
Friday, May 12, 2006
hey peepz, it's b-ambie this blog is strictly for me amigas!!
Posted at 5:29 PM |